Christendom lacks harvest laborers and harvest laborers consist of disciples. Jesus says if we continue in His word then we are truly His disciples. The call to discipleship is not for the faint of heart. Jesus says we must count the cost to take up our cross and follow Him.

Given the current condition of Christendom today, though many won’t admit it, many of our shepherds need encouragement and strengthening. Being a pastor I understand the demands of ministry but I also know the necessity to delight oneself in the Lord.

Men as designed by God are the earthly cornerstone of every foundational institution of God. From the very beginning Satan has been trying to destroy males. That attack has been increased given the rise of homosexuality, feminism, and the like being advance in the culture today. A “male” can’t handle it, it will take a “man” of God.

Whether Sunday morning preaching, special staff training, or conferences encouragement and strengthening are two-way streets. Both pastors and parishioners need the power of the word of God in their lives as an ongoing fountain of edification, strength, and cleansing. There must be a keen spiritual awareness of our responsibility for being “light” and “salt”.

RACISM (Biblically Addressed)
The enemy has gotten lots of mileage from this evil element of division in our churches and the culture. No one likes to be deceived! The word of God clearly exposes this deceitful scheme of the devil. An eye-opening, biblical look and practical application of God’s word while confronting racism in sermons, workshop training, or conferences; “The Deception of Racism Unmasked”, “The Profile of a Racist”, “Who Told You?”. A powerful examination and presentation of truth as the only means of confronting the evils of sin!

Confusion about the purpose of marriage or to even honor marriage as a God ordained institution holds our society hostage. Everything that can be perverted about relationships is being perverted and that begins with the relationship between God and man. The marriage relationship is the foundation upon which families sit and without it the family implodes which is where we are today. Building biblical, God honoring marriages is a must.